March 20

Dolls Festival

There are some special dishes for the festival. 
"Hishimochi" are diamond-shaped rice cakes. They are colored red (or pink), white, and green. The red is for chasing evil spirits away, the white is for purity, and the green is for health. 

"Chirashi-zushi," "sakura-mochi (bean paste-filled rice cakes with cherry leaves)," "hina-arare (rice cake cubes)" and "shirozake (sweet white sake)" are also often served.

The origin of Hinamatsuri is an ancient Chinese practice in which the sin of the body and misfortune are transferred to a doll, and then removed by abandoning the doll on a river. A custom called "hina-okuri" or "nagashi-bina," in which people float paper dolls down rivers late on the afternoon of March 3rd, still exists in various areas.

Akari o tsukemashou bonbori ni 明かりをつけましょう ぼんぼりに
Ohana o agemashou momo no hana お花をあげましょう 桃の花
Go-nin bayashi no fue taiko 五人ばやしの 笛太鼓
Kyo wa tanoshii Hinamatsuri 今日は楽しいひな祭り

Let's light the lanterns
Let's set peach flowers
Five court musicians are playing flutes and drums
Today is a joyful Dolls' Festival


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